Most everyone seems to think God loves us all. While the Bible says this is true - "He is not willing that ANY perish" - the Bible clearly, in no uncertain terms, says that we must CHOOSE to love Him. A whore doesn't paint herself up and continue in her whoredoms to entice God; GOD does the enticing. HIS desire is to see us come to Him out of a mutual desire to learn to love Him, and be loved BY Him. The calling of God is for ALL men - "but that ALL come to repentance." Even the fact that America is in a moral free-fall is in contest, depending on ones spiritual maturity, moral compass, or lack thereof. There simply isn't a unifying belief system like there once was.
We celebrate our differences, but not our unifying sameness. Agitators appear, as if by magic, in every crowd 'crying aloud, and sparing not.' America has grown so used to celebrating our differences we've forgotten that there is such a thing as Common Values, Common Decency and Commonsense.
We now check our intellects at the door and allow television to dictate what is real and NOT real, allowing the Subversive to take control of our minds. "Sheep" is the popular metaphor these day. Yet sheep know who their Master is; they will not follow anyone else. And, unless deprived of their old master and conditioned to the clarion call of another, they will suffer and die; as we're seeing now with COVID19. Sheep are smart, but for all their intelligence they are only sheep, who MUST by instinct, follow someone, even if only themselves. The point is, "ye are not of MY sheep." Jesus said that. We are not ALL His sheep.
We are not masters of anything - trust me on this. But we all follow a master. Like it or not there are thousands of voices we follow each and every day, but all these voices boil down to two separate and distinct Masters: God, and Satan. You have absolutely NO choice but to choose One or the other. Deciding not to choose is not an option, after all, "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice." This choice is eternally defining. And it has never failed to label anyone incorrectly.
All this being said, beginning at the first quatrain of the above verse,
You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice [God]/
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice [Satan]
I will choose Free Will
[wisdom is found everywhere, even in the verse of a drummer]
And that's your right, every bit as much as "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." We are endowed by our creator with certain Liberties... add to these, Free Will. You can choose not to decide - so very true. But, having made no choice, it's made for you. Like it or not. I don't care what you believe; but this is not wholly true.. If it doesn't line up with the Gospel of Jesus Christ [1 Cor 15:1-4]? Doom awaits you. There's Doom in these words, whether you like it or not, believe it or not, there is unavoidable Doom.
So the world has, over sixty years, slowly and steadily rejected God. What then should God's response be? From a human standpoint, He should reject us... 'Spew you out of MY mouth.' But God is not like man. He suffers for what was stolen from Him in the garden... yes, stolen; by Satan, in cooperation with Man's Free Will. You have NO choice but to follow One or the other. But keep telling yourself otherwise. "God is not mocked!" What you do in your body, most often, determines who it is you follow. If you follow a political party, you become part of their intents and designs, whether or not you know of what they do. It doesn't matter if you vote Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or Green. By voting you are, in essence, siding with what the Party you have chosen DOES... and HAS done. Evil or Good.
To the ENTIRE point of this letter, if one Party actively cheats in order to steal an election, does that not make every follower of said Party complicit in said theft? Of course it does. If another Party chooses to defend their seat, does that not make every member of said party, in like manner, a defender of that seat? Let's set the election aside for a moment... What about abortion? If one candidate wants to make the murder of the unborn legal, right up to the moment of birth, does that make every acolyte of said Party complicit in such a want? Of course it does. Likewise, someone who wants to protest the destruction of the unborn, does that mean he or she is complicit in said defense? Again, yes.
Imagine what the world thought of Noah prior to the flood. Do you think they mocked him for spending one-hundred fifty years building a gigantic boat for a coming flood that had previously never been seen before? When they had never seen rain fall from the sky? Ever? What did they think when Noah, put his tools down and began loading the ark? What did the men who watched think when animals of every stripe began to come and be loaded into the ark? I'm sure a few spectators wondered whether or not Noah just might be right, but their wondering didn't change their minds... again, If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
When we stand before God, what will we say? "You gave me free will! It's YOUR fault!" Don't you dare! Please find a better argument that that!
This election is not over... by Law. By law it's not over until mid December. And since when has the media chosen the winners of any election? The MOB rules in the closing days of this age. And, praise God, this age is closing.
In the days to come, we will see either President Trump presented with a second term, or Joe Biden will be declared President in truth; for that's the only way either man will ever be called and accepted as President. [as I write this Joe Biden has been "declared" the winner by media's standard... not the Constitution's]
I don't, honestly, believe a nation can accept a win they received by cheating. Not, and be a whole nation.
But then I don't live in Sane World. And neither do you.
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