Monday, October 26, 2020

The Late Edition


My recent 'Questions to Consider' questioned the Trump/Biden match-up, specifically and simply: Is God using these men for HIS purposes?

Following on this theme, I have another question: 
..::( Knowing what we do about the LORD, and knowing what's going on in the world today; His 'using' of the man Donald Trump to accomplish His will in this season, is it possible Joe Biden can defeat Donald Trump? )::..
What would happen if Joe Biden won the election? Would the peace plan continue in the middle east? Since Joe Biden wouldn't be "leading" this nation on a day to day basis, woodenly playing the figurehead, would those "others" making the decisions keep the deals in place? Or would they seek some concessions to keep the plan in place? Essentially, lining their pockets with graft?
For this reason I doubt the election of Joe Biden. God isn't going to allow Biden so important a seat in the negotiations for further "joiners" to the 'covenant with many'.
To be fair, 20 years ago Biden would have been just as corrupt, but he wouldn't be on dementia's doorstep. He could've been president 20 years ago... but for the fact he wouldn't have won the Primary. Trump, according to everything I've seen, every report I've read, all the research I've dove into... except for the deceitful way the Left has conspired to defraud Trump of his legitimate win in 2016, and steal this current election... and their corrupt handling of the news... killing thousands in nursing homes...... Trump will coast to victory.
Trump will win this. And he will scour the disease of the American Left from Washington... as much as four more years will allow. God willing, if He chooses to tarry longer, Democrats will be unelectable for the foreseeable future.
Q likes to post the phrase..... "God Wins"
In this case HE Does win. Nothing and No one can stop it.

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