Friday, November 27, 2020

..::( Questions to Consider )::..


Personal Data:

Anyone else creeped out by the ads for the 'Everlywell Food Sensitivity Test'? Do I really want to give my 'biologic data' to whomever? To, essentially, complete strangers for the sole purpose of knowing what food sensitivities I have? Is this another system of control for, again, 'Whomever'? When was the last time breaches of Credit Card companies occurred only to be told months later that our banking/credit information may have been exposed to crooks? If these breaches occurred and the companies DIDN'T inform us then, who's to say they'd let us know when our biologic information was stolen? And why was it stolen?
What about Ancestry DNA? How many people are giving away their DNA just to discover what part of the world their ancestors once lived? How does giving a complete stranger access to your DNA benefit you? Would you give away your Credit Card number, expiration, and CVC code to complete strangers? What kind of person would do that? Would you think such a person is making a wise or foolish decision? 
Can DNA be extracted from Saliva? From hair? From fingernail clippings? If you knew all these could be used to 'cast a spell' and control or determine some aspect of yourself, would you give your blood, hair, saliva, or nail clippings away so nonchalantly? Why do we protect only certain aspects of ourselves and not others? Is your credit more important than your person?
Is it safe to assume no one really has our best interests at heart? How many 'public-good' programs were actually clandestine [nefarious?] government-run entities? What do the Everlywell and ancestry DNA provide that we actually need? Are commercials meant to be sales tools [gimmicks]? Would you buy a Frisbee because the commercial described it as a 'plastic disc that would, in short order, find it's way to the back of your closet'? 
Why do we jealously guard our PIN numbers, but not our biologic data? Why do we so readily trust?

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