Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Death of the Salesman? Don't You Bet on It

Here is the summation of a great article from, posted by Art on Facebook:

The Democratic Party wants to give American citizenship to the world, but the communist virus is a timely reminder that the illegal and uncontrolled flow of people across our borders not only depreciates wages and destroys American culture, but also sacrifices the lives of American citizens.  The misery of Chinese communism created this virus, and the misery of Democratic Socialism seeks to spread it across the United States.  Border security is health security.  And energy, steel, and manufacturing independence is independence from overseas tyrants.
What fascinates me most is the knowledge that otherwise intelligent people don't see the error in their political aspirations and designs for America. They talk about freedom and equality for all while espousing a political philosophy which is antithetical to the aspirations and design of the framers. How is this possible?

Deception is the answer. They are liars (the Establishment leaders/controllers). The Party is not a collection of Free Thinkers, let alone American Thinkers.


  1. Yep. Looks like the banner definitely needs updating. Look for that in the next week... God willing.

  2. That, and adding a Social Media widget. I might have to update the template altogether as that might be easier


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