Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Step Up & Vote!

Here's a 16 second political commercial I put together...


  1. We didn't mean you, Jim. We want Democrats to stay home.

  2. Good for you Jim! Voting is good.

  3. "Good for you Jim! Voting is good."

    Not if you vote for Democrats.

  4. Nice piece, Eric. Well done.

    Can't stop Dems from voting, Mark. Unfortunately, we can't stop them from being wrong, either.

    Selwyn Duke had a great article about who shouldn't vote. It echoed a sentiment I expressed about two years ago for which I took some heat. My premise was that some people plainly shouldn't vote. This was never more apparent than in 2008, and is obvious every time a Nancy Pelosi opens her mouth. Some, like Dan T., railed on that I had no right to deny anyone the right to vote. Of course, that wasn't what I said. It's pretty clear that there are some people who do not do their duty to study the issues, study the candidates and make an informed vote. The duty isn't to vote. The duty is to make one's self prepared to vote wisely. Obama won two years ago. Proof that some people should not vote.

  5. I know, Art. But it's a pity we can't stop them.

  6. I agree. Said it before, and I'm saying it again... Some people should not be allowed to vote:

    Anyone who's been on government assistance for more than two years (to include EBT, Section 8 housing, Welfare, EITC... etc.), to include illegals, whatever the 9th circuit court of fools say to the contrary.

  7. "But it's a pity we can't stop them."

    But oh how they try.

  8. Really? Yeah, we're talking about our feelings that some people should not vote, but democrats actually engage in voter fraud... democrats, liberals, ACORN, SEIU, and anyone Soro's can convince to take a check in lieu of such.

    Republicans aren't trying to keep anyone from voting. Unlike the Democrats who routinely disenfranchise the military while demanding convicted felons and illegal aliens be allowed to vote.

    Nice try, Jim.


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