Monday, May 24, 2010

The Buck Stops...Where?

"All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." ~ Mark Twain

My Liberal Doctor nephew posted this on his Facebook page. He said he still loves Obama but imagines this must be what might be going through his mind, if he were in Obama's shoes.

Alas, I feel my beloved nephew underestimates Obama's strength of arrogance.

Pathological Narcissists don't ever doubt themselves.

Cross-posted at Casting Pearls Before Swine


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The problem with Obama is that he doesn't understand the basic elements of management. This BP thing for instance, the first thing Obama did was (literally) point the finger at BP and said its their fault. While that was a true statement it does nothing to find a solution to the problem, as a matter of fact it hinders the process of finding a solution. Anyone with any management experience knows that when problems arise you wait until after it is resolved to assign blame. Pointing fingers too early only makes the problem solvers worried and worried problem solvers can't concentrate 100% on the task at hand.

    I think maybe Obama should enroll in some intro to business classes or maybe take an internship at Six Flags, then he could learn these basic principles.


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