Saturday, March 7, 2009

Further Into Godlessness

This news should come as no surprise. How could it? If Obama sees no value in the lives of those who survive an abortion, if he sees no value in those who didn't and won't, how could he possibly see any value in the lives of the embryos that must die to be of use to those who believe they hold the key to cures? What in the hell is wrong with people who insist that a person is not a person, a human being is not a human being, when all the science points to that very fact?

My local paper also carried the news. Right there out in the open, on page 2. On a Saturday. It carried a quote from a Sean Morrison, director of the University of Michigan's Center for Stem Cell Biology. It said, "America's biomedical research enterprise experienced steady decline over the past eight years, with shrinking budgets and policies that elevated ideology over science."

Ideology over science? Should it ever be any other way? At the very least, if one wishes to experiement on a human subject, one should experiment on one's self. To speak of ideology in this manner, as if it is inferior to science, is nothing more than lib-speak aimed toward further marginalizing of religion, particularly the Judeo-Christian tradition, that holds human life sacred from conception to natural death.

That there has been descent of American values and traditions is not at question. Indeed, to elect to the presidency one with so little regard for human life in all its stages is evidence enough of that. The question truly is, how much further will we descend? Hell's the limit.

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