Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our Worst Nightmare Realized

Naturally, among the first words of Obama’s acceptance was what this election shows. He then goes on to say words to the effect that it shows we are indeed the “United” States of America.

I think it shows something else. I think it shows the lack of intelligence of the American electorate, which has been demonstrated by people like Howard Stern in his little demo wherein he speaks to Obama supporters and shows them to be idiots as they choose from a selection of “Obama” positions which were really McCain positions.

I think it shows the level of hatred (and ignorance of) the Bush administration that Obama supporters were so willing to overlook all the blatant negatives of so unworthy a choice for president in order to prevent what they considered to be a mere extension of the Bush regime.

I think it shows a distinct level of superficiality that support for the “historical” aspect of electing a black candidate to the presidency could override all sense and reason.

I think it shows how much work conservative voices have before them to correct the blatant misconceptions regarding conservatism so that a repeat of this travesty never again occurs.

This is not the end of conservatism or the Republican Party. This is the beginning of a whole host of reasons why people will begin to shun liberal philosophy.

By the Grace of God I pray that our worst fears regarding the consequences of this election will not be realized. I’d much prefer to be scorned and mocked than for this country to suffer as I feel certain it will. America has overcome much in our history. May we overcome this.

For the first time in my adult life, I am disappointed in America.

Posted by Marshall Art

1 comment:

Your First Amendment right to free speech is a privilege and comes with a measure of responsibility. You have the right to exercise that responsibility here but we reserve the right to inform you when you've used that right irresponsibly.

We are benevolent dictators in this regard. Enjoy.