Saturday, February 25, 2017

Where and Who We Are Now

I hadn't thought much about this blog ~ being almost blind, along with the tremendous challenges and frustrations it brings, this exercise in political protest was the last thing on my mind. But with the advent of President Donald Trump, came the memory that I once, with other like-minded patriots, fought, albeit futilely, the scourge of American Liberalism's premier socialist masquerading as a president. But our long national nightmare is over. Or is it?

When I wrote here religiously, I rarely let politics and morality ride in separate cars. These were not things I felt should be separated, politics and morality ought to be open lovers ~ no need to hide such a love affair; don't pull the shades! The question I was often asking readers to consider was why should any moral society throw water on the two like a pair of humping dogs? They're only doing what comes natural. But most often my detractors felt it was their right and responsibility to set the ground rules for any debate, for what was and what wasn't moral ~ the truth I sought to make people see was considered presumptuous, or out of place, or unduly preachy for a political 'discussion,' while the morality they proposed was sacrosanct. They wore their hypocrisy proudly.

President Obama's second win was demoralizing ~ a disheartening defeat ~ and I gave up. Fast forward four years... the long national nightmare ends with a stunning victory for the forces of Light. Honestly, I wasn't stunned, I figured he was going to win, but that didn't keep me from staying up until Hillary conceded.

I just couldn't see her winning. How so? Firstly, the media was so obviously blind to the crowds Trump drew, discounting their size as mere spectacle for the curious, the gawkers, and political-porn aficionados. They were blind to the harm eight years under the feckless rule of Obama wrought, whose only lasting  accomplishment was an improved golf handicap ~ though to be fair, there will be lasting repercussions to his two terms, even with the repeal and reversal of his legacy. And that's assuming Republicans will allow Trump to do what he's promised us on the campaign trail.

The media tried everything it could to drag the bleeding carcass that was Hillary's candidacy over the finish line. But when the smoke cleared, and the mirrors shattered, she was still the same bleeding carcass. After all, no matter how far a jackass travels, it will never come back a horse.

Hillary had no message beside 'I'm not Trump.' That was supposed to be enough, but the weight of scandal: Benghazi, private servers, and a disdain for more than half the electorate, with her basket of deplorables statement ~ all these and more were a weight around her neck. The democrat party, as well as the prospect of a continuance of damaging policies in the vein of Obama's failed administration, doomed her to failure every bit as much as Belshazzaers' epic party fail.

And her past... let's not forget all the scandals of her past. To say she was a flawed candidate is the greatest understatement in a hundred years or more. With all that, the media still tried to prop her up and carry her the distance. No one on the Left could see the truth. Any more than they can see the truth now. And the truth, quite simply, is the Left has lost touch... with the people, with the truth, with just about everything... if the Left were truly blind, they would be without sin, but the Left says 'We see!' Therefore they remain blind. Blind, yes, but still able to do terrific damage.

Theirs is a blindness of the soul, both individually and corporately. Jesus once asked, (paraphrasing) 'If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness?' The darkness on the Left is such that what appears a blazing beacon of hope to their counterparts, is to them the light of a guttering candle at midnight. And if that is what passes for light among liberals/progressives and the democrat party, God help them. Bruce Lee once said, (again, paraphrasing) 'a man who has never known light, never known of its existence, will not seek it out.'  It will take earth-shattering events to break through the black caul of darkness that blinds these people. But when people call good evil, and evil good, can anything break through?

Now we have Donald Trump as our President. Gone is the most biblically hostile leader in American history. Now we have Donald Trump, whose wife begins a rally with, of all things, the Lord's Prayer. Donald Trump, who, whether he's a man of God or not, makes mention of God in his speeches; regarding Him as Sovereign in regard to his policies, making mention of Him in more than platitudinous snippets of speech penned by speech writers (as have so many before him). And this frightens the Left. This is the real reason for their hatred of Trump, not because he is a man of God (only God knows), but because he's challenging the darkness that is their world-view. They want a society devoid of Godly morality, preferring instead a society in which 'every man did that which was right in their own eyes.'

In Donald Trump we have a chance to save America, but it's by no means assured. The disease has metastasized throughout every system and segment of American life and culture ~ even in the Church and across every denomination. If we want America to return to the Light, we're going to have to fight harder than ever before. The evils are piled high against us. We are vastly outnumbered. Victory is not assured. America is not assured. But God has given us an opportunity to stand, win or lose. And that, my friends is all He asks... Stand.

"Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky."
                       written by Kerry Livgren


  1. Though I do speak of the political and more as two separate issues, I agree that they are indeed and truly intertwined and to pretend they are not is self-deception. However, as too many with whom I engage in discourse either have a skewed understanding of what is moral, what morality is, etc., or simply are immoral, I generally discuss them generally. Personally, as I stated at the end of my post, I see the moral side of the equation the real issue with regard to the descent of our nation. We could prosper, have total harmony between the parties, but if we are morally corrupt, we have in, what profits a man if he gains the whole world but lose his soul? As such, Trump at best will allow us to gain more of the world, so to speak, but I don't know that mentions of God in speeches will do much to benefit our souls. Those most responsible for leading the nation towards what is best for the soul, the various religious organizations represented in this country, are themselves too badly affected by the ways of the world that they are largely without the courage to speak on matters of morality in the manner that they should. It is pretty much up to us, the average American, to do what we can, either through our social media options or directly to those with whom we routinely come in contact, to speak our minds on the moral to the best of our ability...not to mention live out that morality openly so as to be a light to the world.

    In some ways, related to character concerns, Trump is not the best guy to have in the White House to help with the moral side of things. However, one thing I've heard he supports can go a long way toward making that a reality. I've heard he supports altering the IRS rules that have led to preachers weighing their words with regard to political speech in their sermons. Perhaps we'll see more outspoken preachers making the connection between morality and politics, specifically how the policy proposals of a candidate or politician aligns or conflicts with the teachings of the faith...whatever faith that might be. That would be a good thing.

  2. BTW, what about this "being almost blind" thing? Were you speaking metaphorically or are you literally suffering from vision problems? Please tell me it is the former!

  3. Agreed.. Trump can't make America MORAL again. It's not his job, as president, to do. I'm simply saying how refreshing it is to here him speak in such terms off the cuff... without the prompting of a teleprompter. George Bush didn't even speak so.

    And yes, Trump would like to repeal the Johnson Amendment within the U.S. tax code. No one, at any time, in any arena, should be deprived of free speech, including and especially pastors. Liberal pastors don't fear speaking their minds while behind the pulpit, neither should conservative pastors. Many on the Left argue that repeal of the Johnson Amendment would, in essence, make political contributions tax deductible - but that assumes a congregation would be bundling for a preferred candidate

    As to the other, I must regrettably say that I am indeed going blind, slowly but surely


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We are benevolent dictators in this regard. Enjoy.