Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Simply Because He's Black?

Howard Stern Interviews Obama Supporters 2012 Granted, Harlem is not 100% African-American. But this only serves to further illustrate why some people should not be allowed to vote.


  1. Just listened to the first couple of minutes, I don't care who you are that's funny.

  2. I think everyone should be allowed to vote, but I also think they should be required to watch a short non-partisan informative video about the candidates (who they are, what party, what their positions are, etc) before exercising their vote. May not change the votes of some of these idiots, but at least they'll know more than they did before, and that can only be a good thing.

  3. Question: Who produces the short "non-partisan" video?

  4. Libertarians. They hate both political parties. It would be the most non-biased video ever. It will make both candidates look bad, which would probably be the most accurate.


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