Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Old Man Remembers What the Child Once Dreamt

Putting politics aside for a moment....

For everyone of a certain age who loved Edgar Rice Burroughs; who dreamt of being John Carter, living and fighting on Mars...

Here's the movie trailer for Disney's "John Carter" [of Mars]. It's awesome. It's big. And it's out March 9, 2012.

Here's your link to the official site, where a larger version can be viewed in addition to a couple production stills-- hopefully more will follow.

I never imagined, as a sixteen year old [whose face was buried in anything and everything Edgar Rice Burroughs], that I would ever have an opportunity to WATCH "A Princess of Mars". But now, in eight short months, assuming the country hasn't collapsed or I've died, I'll get to see what I never thought possible a short thirty-five years ago.


  1. Oh Wow! I loved the Mars series by Edgar Rice Burroughs! I think I've read every one of them.

    In fact, I've often said my life is an Edgar Rice Burroughs novel without the adventure.

  2. Wow! I've lived the exact same life! Every novel, yet without the adventure. I can't wait for this movie.

    I hope it does well... very well... and Disney gives us sequels.


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