Friday, June 17, 2011

The Liberal Mob: Unmasked & Quantified - Part III

A parting shot from Miss Coulter...

It's not an accident that Saul Alinsky, forefather to community organizers like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom-- Lucifer."

This is why liberals are shrieking oppositionists, braying, abortion-obsessed feminists, SEIU thugs, Earth Liberation Front loons, Bill Maher audiences, and querulous dissidents from every measure taken in defense of their own country. This is why they mock all that is good-- America, religion, patriotism, chivalry, the rule of law, truth, the creation of wealth, life --while hysterically attacking those who oppose them.

The mob will never support defending America, only those who seek to undermine it. The mob will never side with those who seek to protect human life, only those who seek to destroy it. The mob will never support the creation of wealth, only those who seek to punish it. The mob will never defend traditional morality, only those who seek to subvert it. And if you oppose the mob, it will come after you like a pack of ravenous hyenas.

Ann Coulter, Demonic (2011), pg. 288

Excellent book, folks.


  1. I actually wrote a post on my blog about the way the press hounds Sarah Palin a week or so ago, and used the phrase "ravenous hyenas", but I decided to change it to "vultures" because it seemed to fit better. Sometimes it's scary how much Ann and I think alike.

  2. It reminded me of the way prop 8 opponents would harass people who donated money to campaigns that supported it.

  3. "Sometimes it's scary how much Ann and I think alike."

    Twins separated at birth? :-)


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