Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Descent of the Party

I was going to post this article as an update or addendum to my last post. But as I read it again, I believe it deserves notice of its own.

What got me interested in it at first was its initial focus on Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) and the heat he took for speaking the truth. But as I read on, I could plainly see that it was referring to major problem with the Republican Party that, if left unattended, can cause our national suffering to continue unabated regardless of which party runs Congress or the White House.

There seems to be some fear on the part of established party people to confront full force the attacks on truth and facts. There is an acceptance on some level of liberal thought that is seen as necessary to aquire and maintain power. Few, it seems, are willing to be blatant in their attacks on failed liberal policies for fear that too many constituents, long plied with handouts and bribed with their very own grants of victimhood, might reject them as mean-spirited and "in the pocket of big business" and other BS liberal accusations.

One example is the case of Nevada senate candidate Sharon Angle. As mentioned in the article, she has come out in favor of phasing out Social Security. She has received no party support. Now, one might disagree with her position. I haven't heard enough details of her position on this issue to comment. But to treat her like the plague as a result of her honest opinion on one issue is hardly the stuff of loyalty, nor is it an example of a party truly more concerned with the state of the union than with merely getting majorities.

If that's all we want, there are plenty of established RINOs for the task. I would hope we'd want better. I would hope we'd want people who understand what leadership is, what American principles are and what it means to actually apply both of them toward reversing the damage done in so short a time by this current administration, and by the gradual decline since at least FDR. We need leaders who will say, "Enough!" to the trashing of true American values, traditions and characteristics that made us the great nation we still just barely are.

We've got some such people emerging these days to join existing Americans like Barton, Joe Wilson and a few others that are creating excitement amongst the electorate. We need to get the party to get behind the people that are exactly the type of people the party only pretends to give us. We've already got one Democratic Party. We damned well don't need two.


  1. This is one area where the Dems excel. They are loyal to their party to the extent of almost all else. Somehow the RNC needs to figure out a way to build a similar kind of loyalty and support, while maintaining some sort of issue differentiation with the Dems. As you said, it is no problem to trot out some RINO or Democrat lite. The other side of this is that the rest pf the party needs to support the candidate that gets through the primary whether "too" far right or left.

    Or maybe the problem is simply a lack of union thugs to enforce party discipline. :)

  2. We need more men like Governor Christie to step forward.


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