Friday, June 12, 2009

"Eloquence and good intentions exempt no one..."

From Victor Davis Hanson:

Our Historically Challenged President
A list of distortions.

"President Obama, in elegant fashion, may casually invoke the means of politically correct history for the higher ends of contemporary reconciliation. But it is a bad habit."

Politically correct history: Code for 'revisionist history'. In Obama's case, it merely shows he's not all he says or thinks he is... he's 'not all that.'

For one political ideology that just loves to point fingers and say, 'don't be sheep,' they are themselves undeniably sheep-like.


  1. I believe it was Homer Simpson who said

    Facts are meaningless - you could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

    So quit trying to inject facts into Obama's historical references; they only work if all the facts are removed.

  2. Hanson's great, of course. But he is far from the only one who has so completely shredded Obama's Cairo speech. What it comes down to, is that he basically went over there and lied his ass off in an embarrassing demonstration of butt-kissing the likes of which we may never see again, until he decides to speak overseas any time soon.

    His speeches during his "America Sucks Tour" makes me wonder why anyone thought to mock Palin over foreign affairs. This guy is a total buffoon and his complete lack of experience and qualifications for the office, a void for which most on the right loudly voiced concerns, shows with almost every utterance.

  3. Typical of Liberals to rewrite history to further their own twisted agenda.

    Are you surprised?


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