Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Overt Hatred of the Voice of the American Left

Know your enemy!


  1. Uhhhh, D? Rush hasn't lived in New York for near a decade. These Liberal flatbrains are claiming false victories...

    ...yet again.

    And who really cares what John Stewart has to say? Isn't he "just and entertainer"... Rush?

  2. I think he is the de facto leader of the Democrat Party!

  3. BenT - the unbelieverApril 2, 2009 at 2:51 PM

    According to the quote in the video Rush says he has an apartment, a condominium and a job in New York.

  4. "According to the quote in the video Rush says he has an apartment, a condominium and a job in New York."

    According to Rush...he won't much longer.

    Like Rush, I believe that Reasonable Americans think...It's not America abandoning New's New York abandoning America.

  5. BenT - the unbelieverApril 6, 2009 at 11:13 AM

    It's an interesting opinion that the people of New York aren't American. On September 11th, most people would have been appalled at such an assertion. When the ball drops in Times Square each year people would be shocked to say that celebration isn't American. New York is Metropolis and Gotham City and the urban hub of America. To say that the people there aren't America is to the same as a New Yorker saying the heartland isn't America.


  6. Yes, he keeps an apartment there on the rare occasion he has to do a show from NY... but that ONLY happens if a hurricane, tropical storm, or social event forces him out of Florida. He has not "lived" in NY for some ten years. The state of New York has not garnered much in the way of income or business taxes from Rush except to demand he account for his time in New York and pay accordingly; the 1-3 days he spends there a year.

    Whatever the video says, he does not LIVE there. He has, in effect, a storm shelter located in the city of Manhattan.

    According to Rush himself, the high taxes ran him out a decade ago. FLORIDA has no state tax.

  7. BenT,

    Why must you be so dishonest?

    It's interesting...I make a valid point and you twist my words.

    Please point out where I said New York was not America. can't...because I didn't. I clearly said,"New York has ABANDONED America!

    And it has. It has moved to Europe.

    And we all know Europe was abandoned by reasonable Americans a long, long time ago!

  8. BenT - the UnbelieverApril 8, 2009 at 8:15 AM

    So you didn't say "New York isn't America" verbatim but that was what you meant.

    I'm sorry obviously my response had not relation to your post at all. [end sarcasm]

    The desire to ostracize and expunge anyone who doesn't share your political beliefs is a classic trait of totalitarain regimes. Something that is patently unamerican.

    "I do not agree with a word you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it".
    --attributed to Voltaire

  9. "I may not understand what you say, but I'll fight to your death my right to deny it" ~ Albert Alligator


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