Saturday, April 25, 2009

Obama: Coward



  1. You hateful, spiteful, sore-losing, jerk! This is one of the stupidest, Obama-hating things your ilk has come up with yet.

    And it's completely absurd! The Secret Service makes these decisions.

    End of story!

  2. Jim, you spiteful, sore-losing leftist bastard!

    Your gurus made this charge against Dubya during THE MOST SERIOUS TERRORIST ATTACKE EVER@


    Obama is a coward and will, I believe, hide from his own damned shadow!

  3. Albo, bastard? Untrue and I have the birth certificate to prove it.

    Nobody, much less my "gurus", made any such charge about Bush about 9/11. Some said that Cheney purposely kept Bush away from Washington on 9/11. Don't think there's any proof to that and it doesn't in any way suggest Bush was a coward.

    No, you charge cowardice with no proof, no cause, and no soul. Just hate.

  4. "Nobody, much less my "gurus", made any such charge about Bush about 9/11:

    You are either deluded, uninformed, or most likely...a bold-faced LIAR!

    It is now documented, Jimbo, despite your pathetic denials...Barry-O is afraid of his own shadow.

  5. Bush went missing for 12 hours after the nation suffered its worst attack since Pearl Harbor. He finally spoke to the country about 9pm that nigh after ducking around in Air Force One.

    Obama steps out of the White House for, what, twelve minutes while you're wiping cereal milk out of your beard, oblivious.

    It was protocol and you weren't looking for your leader to lead.

  6. I don't think this incidence proves cowardice on the part of Obama.

    I do think his plans for the dismantling of our military do.

    I think his recent world wide apology tour does.

    I think his bow to the Saudi King, and his failure to confront Daniel Ortega after Ortega's 50 minute long diatribe against the United States certainly implies cowardice.

    I think his slobbering affection for any anti-American dictator out there does.

    I think his continual ducking of difficult questions from citizens and non-fawning media does.

    But not a simple one engine light plane accidentally encroaching into Washington airspace. That, as Jim says, is standard operating procedure in those circumstances.

    Unless he really did run for cover in terror, leaving his darling children to fend for themselves, as the piece suggests.

  7. "his plans for the dismantling of our military do"

    He has no plans for dismantling the military. This is a figment of your imagination.

    Wow, what hate you show for the President!

  8. What hate Obama shows for America!

  9. Jim, did you happen to catch Feodork's confirmation of my charges against folks just like you concerning Dubya and 9/11 above?


    Your hatred of truth is quite apparent.

  10. I don't know Jim from Adam. We are two different people with our own outlook. This can be seen in the fact that he clearly shows more patience and unrequited respect in his dialogue with the like of you guys.

    That that goes unnoticed is no surprise to me.

    You don't know values when they are talking right to you.

  11. Feodork,

    What does that have to do with the fact that a previous comment...confirmed exactly what I was saying...and Jimbo was denying?

    Talk about going right over one's HEAD!

    The invitation I offered at my blog is still on the table.

    Was it "civil" enough for you?

  12. Actually he didn't. What Feodor said went WAY over your head.

    He was comparing and contrasting what the Secret Service and Dick Cheney had Bush doing for 12 hours with what the Secret Service had Obama doing for 12 minutes.

    You called the latter cowardice with absolutely no justification. Just your hate for the President.

  13. A wayward Cessna compared to the loss of 3000 American lives.

    Some comparison!

    You idiots are so full of hate it completely blinds you to the truth, Jimbo!

    I'll tell you what went over your empty heads, Jimothy...the fact that my calling Obama a "coward" was ONLY to illustrate what absolute hypocrites leftist schmucks like you and Feodork are!

    Of COURSE, it was the correct thing to do to take precautionary measures under the circumstances.

    But history CANNOT be erased, pal. You numskulls are on record as condemning Dubya for taking the same precautionary measures while actually under attack.

    You are such cattle!

  14. MooOOOO, bee-atch!

    Understand that?

  15. "You numskulls are on record as condemning Dubya for taking the same precautionary measures while actually under attack."

    RE-JECTED! I deny it. I was all over Bush for the seven minutes of panic in the Florida classroom, but I never, ever accused Bush of cowardice because the team couldn't figure out what to do with him during the ensuing hours.

    And really, is the name calling crap necessary, or is that the only way you can express yourself?

  16. Not necessary...but completely appropriate, Jimothy.


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We are benevolent dictators in this regard. Enjoy.