Friday, April 3, 2009

Life on Mars Finale - America's Worst Nightmare

Don't know if anyone was watching this show, it lasted but a single season... canceled. It's final episode was April Fools Day. Remember that fact.

Ben was watching this show and mentioned I should take a look. I watched a couple of episodes but didn't get it. The show was, basically, a rip-off of a successful BBC show by the same name. I've never watched it, so I have nothing to compare.

So here's the plot.

  • Cop gets shot or hit by car in 2008. Comaville.
  • Cop wakes up in 1973
  • There's a conspiracy going on, and someone is directing "Sam" the aforementioned time-traveling cop toward some unknown end
  • Throughout the episodes he's getting clues and directions, and vague promises that all will be made right.

Fast forward to the final episode:

Events lead Sam to perform 3 tasks if he wants to get back to his 2008 and his iPhone. One task is to save himself as a child. The next is just to "duck" (someone is shooting at him). The last, he refuses to even hear from the mysterious caller. Overall, pretty stupid list of tasks.

Sam decides to stay in 1973 and keep the girl, and then it happens: he faints and wakes up with a fly crawling over his face... only the fly looks like a tiny robot. Really. Some plastic lid/bubble lifts away from Sam's face and he sits up... on a spacecraft... in the year 2035 (remember this fact too).

So, all around the cabin of this spacecraft people are waking up. As it turns out all these people were with Sam in 1973, a la The Wizard of Oz...
"and you were there, and you too.."

A call comes in from Earth congratulating them on making the two-year trip to Mars... that's right, Mars. Get it? "Life on Mars"?

Turns out Sam was experiencing a personally chosen scenario to "dream" while he slept to two-year trip away. All of them were.

Anyway, back to that call from Earth: As far as I know, this is a new face, but everyone on board the ship, preparing to land on Mars, IN THE YEAR 2035, seem to know him.

Now remember those facts I told you to remember?

  • April Fools Day
  • The year 2035

The man from Earth, congratulating the crew, tells them that PRESIDENT Obama wanted to be there with him for this historic occasion (that's right, president Obama in 2035).... I nearly had a momentary mental breakdown... did the Constitution get changed so Obama could run again, and again, and again, and again? But then these words followed... "HER father is sick, but she wishes you well."


Sigh... whew!... Well, I guess if John Quincy Adams can follow his father into the White House; if George W can follow HIS father George H. W. Bush, then I reckon one of the Obama daughters can follow their father.

All I want to know is, what are her parents and teachers cramming into their daughters' heads? Will there even be a recognizable "United States of America" to be president OF?

Look at all Obama is doing to radically and fundamentally change this country in just 70 days! What will he do in FOUR YEARS?

Stupidest ending of any show I've seen... in recent memory. I only say 'recent' because I can't honestly think of a stupider. And from a lot of the buzz I've heard from those who enjoyed the British version? Well, they thought it sucked too.


  1. Just finished watching the finale. It was great!

    Note they not only still HAVE presidents, but apparently the US is successful and thriving enough to send a manned-mission to Mars. And get this: the crew is only Americans (Anglos at that), so I guess the US wasn't bankrupted by Mexicans or ACORN, taken over by the one-worlders or the Chinese, or subjugated under Sharia law.

    What a country! Thank you President Obama!

  2. Well...Jim's statement just about sums up his credibility.

  3. I don't watch science fiction anymore. I find that whatever Obama happens to be doing each and every day defies logic enough to satisfy all flights of fancy.

    Even Asimov couldn't make this stuff up.

  4. On a lighter note:

    Happy National Tartan Day, everyone!

  5. Hey Marshall,

    No kidding? Not the point. The post was commenting on a fictional future and my comment drew conclusions based on that future which logically showed that if true, Obama successfully saved the US economy, preserved democracy, and fostered scientific advances to benefit the country.

    Asimov was the best! He could have made this up and more.

  6. "based on that future which logically showed that if true, Obama successfully saved the US economy, preserved democracy, and fostered scientific advances to benefit the country."

    Uhhh, it showed nothing of the sort. It showed that someone or something caused a turn-around. But there is at minimum three presidents succeeding Obama. Any one of them, coupled with the awakening of the American electorate, could just as easily have rescued America from the disastrous policies Obama put in place. Because as things now stand, Barack is destroying this country brick by brick. Thanks to Obama the Declaration of Independence has all but been repealed.

  7. Eric,

    The Declaration of Independence cannot be repealed. It is not legislation.

    Barack is destroying this country brick by brick.

    You don't know what you are talking about. Obviously.

  8. I am flabbergasted that there are still some Liberals who don't see what Obama is doing to this country.

    Do they seriously think it's ok that he is taking over private industry and firing the CEO's?

    Do they seriously think it is smart to cut the military's budget while we are at war?

    Do they seriously think it's appropriate for an American President to apologize to the rest of the world for fighting terrorism?

    Do they seriously think it's not overstepping his bounds when he spends billions of dollars, more than all the previous administrations put together?

    Do they seriously see nothing wrong with trying to change America into a Marxist state?

    How can they see with their own eyes how he has lied to them and still defend this lying lily livered appeaser?

    Obama should be thrown out of office immediately while we still have a Constitutional republic left.

  9. And we are flabbergasted at your delusional paranoia.

    Do they seriously think it's ok that he is taking over private industry and firing the CEO's? No, because it's not true. The CEO of GM was free to stay and lead his company to ruin. If GM wants government money, it comes with restrictions. What private industry has the President taken over? None.

    Do they seriously think it's appropriate for an American President to apologize to the rest of the world for fighting terrorism? No, and he never has.

    Do they seriously think it's not overstepping his bounds when he spends billions of dollars, more than all the previous administrations put together? No, because not only is this not true, his bounds are dictated by the Constitution and the Congress, both houses of which passed these bills. They had the majority and the authority. It's what happens when you have elections.

    Do they seriously see nothing wrong with trying to change America into a Marxist state? Of course we would if it were true, but this is paranoid delusion. You have no evidence that he is doing this. Just Beck, Rush, and Bachman's say so.

    If you want to persuade the citizens of this country to elect someone else in 2012, knock yourself out. If you want to impeach the President, convince your congressman.

    Otherwise, your words are seditious and totally against the Constitution.

  10. Then every democrat who criticized Bush should have been arrested, tried for treason, and summarily shot. This includes you, Jim, and every legislator, editor, columnist, talking head, everyone who ever criticized Bush was guilty of sedition and totally against the constitution.

    What a fine hypocrite you've turned out to be.

    Saying we're wrong proves nothing. Saying it's not true proves nothing. Your rhetorical acumen little better than a blind and spavined ass-- though in fairness to the ass, in a race, I'd put money on the ass.

  11. BenT - the UnbelieverApril 8, 2009 at 8:06 AM

    "Do they seriously think it is smart to cut the military's budget while we are at war?"

    This is patently wrong and is a great example of how talking heads can lead folks astray.

    1. Defense secretary Robert Gates is the one making proposed changes to the Pentagon's budget, not Pres. Obama.

    2. Gates's budget actually increases the military budget from $514-billion to $534-billion.

    3. Gates's proposed eliminating some projects and programs in areas where America already superiority or that have shown large cost overruns.

    4. Gates's budget proposed redirecting funds from large programs designed to combat enemy superpowers to smaller programs focused of manpower growth and counterinsurgency programs.

    5. Gates's budget proposes shutting down one navy carrier in 2040. Not tomorrow you sheep.

  12. The day after North Korea launched a test missile, Obama declared he will cut the defense budget, specifically our missile defense system.

    Yeah, that's a sign of true strength and leadership. Leading us to Marxism.

  13. BenT - the unbelieverApril 8, 2009 at 10:49 AM

    Because obviously every single military project and previous commitment is vital to opposing North Korea. We don't have any capability to combat them already. We don't have any other military priorities. We so obviously need the military programs that began when we were worried about the Soviet Union. Don't be a sheep.

  14. Eric said,

    "Jim, and every legislator, editor, columnist, talking head, everyone who ever criticized Bush was guilty of sedition and totally against the constitution."

    How moronic can you be. There is a difference between criticism and "Obama should be thrown out of office immediately". Advocating an unconstitutional change of the presidential office is treasonous.

  15. You're allowed to "criticize" but the rest of us are "setiditious" for doing the same? You sir, are indeed a colossal hypocrite.

    Nice use of the word "moronic". From where I sit, I can see it intaglioed across the span of your sloped forehead. What about all the treasonous things you and your ilk uttered against Bush? Oh, that's right, it was just "criticism".

    In closing, allow me to reiterate what a fine, colossal-- and moronic! --hypocrite you are. Thanks for showing us all exactly what and who you really are.

  16. Actually, Jim, the Constitution guarantees us the right to depose our leaders if they are committing seditious and traitorous acts against the United States. Obama qualifies under that provision.

  17. ...On top of which he has already failed in his oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

  18. Actually, Jim, the Constitution guarantees us the right to depose our leaders if they are committing seditious and traitorous acts against the United States.

    Actually, Mark, I have stated that impeachment is provided for in the Constitution. You may call it "depose" if you like.

    Obama qualifies under that provision.

    Actually, Mark, you are free to convince your congressman to bring articles of impeachment before the House, and have him tried before the Senate. If you/they can prove your asinine statement, knock yourself out.

  19. BenT - the unbelieverApril 10, 2009 at 4:48 PM

    Proving treason is very hard. That's why Scooter Libby was only tried for revealing state secrets crimes. Words or speeches or even signing well-meaning legislation or executive orders will not be enough to indict Pres Barack Obama for treason. That's the same reason that Pres. George Bush can't and won't be indicted for some of his controversial acts.

    Treason--legally is much more tightly defined than idealogs on either side believe.

    Personal beliefs however are a different matter, but they should never be confused with legal definitions.

  20. *Shudder* the terrible it was a dream ending used in the worst possible way. Sure the UK version done it but it actually done it properly. This US series should be buried and never shown to anyone again. How some people can say it was a great series must be mentally retarded.

    Oh and offtopic, stop fighting about Obama, no one gives a flying fuck. Just send each other your email addresses and flame away that way.

  21. "Oh and offtopic, stop fighting about Obama, no one gives a flying fuck. Just send each other your email addresses and flame away that way."

    Hey Mr. Lowclass,

    Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? If you don't like the theme of this blog, which is to chronicle the harm Obama has and will do to and for this country, then by all means, don't let the door hit you in the face...I mean...ass (hard to tell the difference when crap spews from both) on the way out.

    P.S. You could at least show the minimum amount of spine by selecting a nom de plume that distinguishes you from other anonymous commenters. Have no fear. With comments like yours, no one's likely to expend the effort to find out who you are.


Your First Amendment right to free speech is a privilege and comes with a measure of responsibility. You have the right to exercise that responsibility here but we reserve the right to inform you when you've used that right irresponsibly.

We are benevolent dictators in this regard. Enjoy.