Monday, March 30, 2009


Oh, my! (LOL!)

To HELL with healthcare...let's see how Americarcare goes!


  1. OK, so let's see if people will buy cars from a company going through bankruptcy from which the company may not survive nor honor their warranties. You think Obama wants to get into the warranty business? Of course not, but he'd like for people to buy American cars. You don't?

  2. Obama is going too far. Who is he to demand the resignation of anyone NOT employed by the government? Did we elect a king? Obama doesn't want to get into the car business, but he wants to the ability to fire its leaders? The lunatic Left howled about Bush left and right, but they lick-spittle this ignoramus' backside, and like Oliver Twist,

    "Please, sir, can I have some more?"

  3. That proverbial safety-net is beginning to look more and more like a cage.

  4. Um Eric, I believe Bush fired the heads of AIG, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac. Having received billions of YOUR money, they are no longer "private" companies.


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