Saturday, January 17, 2009

Still Kidding!

This little snippet speaks of the quality of Barry's appointment for AG. Eric Holder seems as lacking in judgement as Obumble himself. The cut of this man's jib leaves much to be desired.

Notice how the FALN members show the same lack of remorse for their terrorist acts as does Bill Ayers for his. Disgusting.

I saw a piece of Schmuck Schumer's faux interview of this guy and didn't get the idea, as I think back upon it, that Schmuckie had any serious questions for Holder. I wonder if any Republicans will. Unlike their counterparts, the Reps have a habit of giving the new Dude the benefit of the doubt. If ever they were to act like sore Dem-like losers, now's it. They need to dig deeply into the track records of each of Barry's picks and run them all through the ringer before letting them help run the nation.

UPDATE: Here's a piece describing the Rep's actions during Holder's confirmation. Not too impressive. At one point, the piece suggests that Holder thinks his FALN work looks worse in a post 9/11 world. Hmmm. Perhaps to idiots like himself.


  1. There is a piece over at on Arlen Specter's grandstanding on the Rich pardon and Holder's role, and the way the whole thing simply ignored a crucial fact - along with being a bit fast and loose with money, Rich also happened to be a Mossad asset who helped Jews in distress in countries where Israelis might have a difficult time working. Coming at the exact moment Pres. Clinton was attempting to push Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat toward the bargaining table, Clinton's research in to the possibility of a pardon for Mark Rich was linked far more to the way it might play with Barak, a carrot one might say, than any money Rich or his wife may or may not have given either to the Clintons or the Democratic Party.

    It is an interesting read.

  2. why won't the rep speak up? so many of the nominees are down right radicals or socialists

    very concerning


  3. Geoffrey,

    My concern is over the FALN pardons, a far more egregious act, and the way in which Holder proceeded in making that happen. Ignoring the victims of their heinous acts goes miles toward indicating the character and judgement of Holder, and by virtue of his selection, Obama's. But then, those without blinders and rose-colored glasses are already well aware of Obama's lack of judgement. The question is, how badly will it impact the nation over the course of the next four years. The one hope is that he decides to be himself right from the start. That more than anything else will help conservatives regain seats in both the Senate and House at the mid-terms.

  4. Marshall Fart! Marshall Fart!

    It robs all of your criticisms and concerns of their seriousness and reputability when you use juvenile name calling. The Obumbles and Schmuck Schumer sobriquets make me think your concerns are little more than the waaahhhing of a child on the playground who hasn't gotten his way.

  5. "It robs all of your criticisms and concerns of their seriousness and reputability when you use juvenile name calling."

    Not true. But as I think on it, what it DOES do is give folks like yourself what you think is a legitimate reason to avoid addressing the concerns that went along with name calling. At the same time, calling Schumer a schmuck seems far more apprpriate than calling him "Senator". THAT'S an insult to the rest of us.

  6. After Alberto's ruining the DOJ, you've got a problem with a mensch?

    You must have had problems with Chertoff after Ridge had the DOHS partying in Hawaii on federal money?


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