Saturday, January 31, 2009

Obama-President of PART of the People!

A question for our resident libtards:

Why is President Obama giving exclusive interviews to Arab news agencies while millions of American citizens in the mid-west are going without water and electricity? Why is he comforting our enemies while allowing our rural citizens to suffer needlessly?

I know...he hates white people and wants them to die!


Like those at Hot-Air, I'm wondering how the present Prez will justify his Super Bowl party while people are freezing to death in the midwest!

Related - Obama Dozed, People Froze

Ice-Battered Kentucky Pleads For Help From Storm

Comment on EIC TV's Ice Storm Video by a concerned Missourian

More Related - Barack Obama Hates White Folk


  1. That was a very clever post. I am ashamed of myself for not thinking of it first.

    I know of one Democrat who transformed from a logical, fair minded pretty decent guy to a raving loony moonbat because he blamed Hurricane Katrina on George Bush, and now, he has a chance to reverse himself because Obama is even more derelict in his duty that was President Bush.

    Conservatives are forever asking, "what if (insert national disaster of your choice here) happened with a Democrat President?"

    Well, now we know. Obama has been tested and he has failed.

    Will this be enough to turn some Libtards into Conservatives?

    Don't hold your breath.

  2. This is a better catch than Barry snubbing the Medal of Honor winners! Good one!

  3. Interesting. Dan lives in Louisville. I wonder if he has power? Perhaps that explains why he hasn't posted an argument to these latest posts in the last couple of days.

    I wonder, if Dan is one of the unfortuantes who are currently freezing in the dark, will he blame Obama?


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