Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bi-Partisanship Democrat Style...

Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. - Barack Obama, from his victory speech on Tuesday night.

This is Thursday.

Barack Obama is signaling a shift in tactics and temperament as he moves from candidate to president-elect, picking sharp-elbowed Washington insiders for top posts. His choice Thursday for White House chief of staff — Rahm Emanuel, a fiery partisan who doesn't mind breaking glass and hurting feelings — is a significant departure from the soft-spoken, low-key aides that "No-Drama Obama" has surrounded himself with during his campaign. - (Emphasis Mine.)

Apparently, what Obama was saying was that we need to achieve a more intense level of partisanship and pettiness and immaturity than we have ever seen before.

At the same moment when Barack Obama was naming one of the very people who have poisoned our politics for so long as his Chief of Staff, Harry Reid was having a meeting with Joe Leiberman to try to determine what Leiberman's punishment would be for the crime of having a mind of his own.

Absolutely no "Mavericks" will be tolerated on the Left side of the aisle.

There will be no dissent. There will be no criticism. There will be no compromise.

George W. Bush went to Washington with the idea that he could set a "new tone" there, by trying to include Democrats and work together with them.

We see how that worked out for him.

And so does Barack Obama.

Rest assured that he will not make the same mistake.

There will be no dissent. There will be no criticism. There will be no compromise.

This is bi-partisanship, Democrat style.

I hope the Republican Party is seeing this, and learning something from it all...

This is going to be a very costly lesson for a whole lot of people.

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